Language Skill Matrix

Language Skill Matrix

We team up with People Department/ Management to define language use and communicative skills required for each position.


1.Job description analysis
2.Task spotting
3.Skill per task
4.Defining skills as ‘required’, ‘optional’ or ‘not applicable’
5.Matrix reported to HR

6.Continuous update

Most common required language and communication skills nowadays:

  • Pitching ideas
  • Negotiations
  • Supporting viewpoints
  • At meetings: chairing, checking and confirming information, interrupting, asking for clarification, making a point
  • Customer service: dealing with complaints
    (on the phone or face to face)
  • Managing conflict
  • Public speaking
  • Small talking
  • Corporate hospitality
  • Convincing, persuading
  • Reporting (orally and written)
  • Describing trends and graphs, talking about figures
  • Making proposals
  • Dealing with question and troubleshooting

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